Source code for matchms.Scores

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import json
import pickle
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import unstructured_to_structured
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from sparsestack import StackedSparseArray
from matchms.importing.load_from_json import scores_json_decoder
from matchms.similarity import get_similarity_function_by_name
from matchms.similarity.BaseSimilarity import BaseSimilarity
from matchms.typing import QueriesType, ReferencesType

[docs]class Scores: """Contains reference and query spectrums and the scores between them. The scores can be retrieved as a matrix with the :py:attr:`Scores.scores` attribute. The reference spectrum, query spectrum, score pairs can also be iterated over in query then reference order. Example to calculate scores between 2 spectrums and iterate over the scores .. testcode:: import numpy as np from matchms import calculate_scores from matchms import Spectrum from matchms.similarity import CosineGreedy spectrum_1 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 150, 200.]), intensities=np.array([0.7, 0.2, 0.1]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum1'}) spectrum_2 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 140, 190.]), intensities=np.array([0.4, 0.2, 0.1]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum2'}) spectrum_3 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([110, 140, 195.]), intensities=np.array([0.6, 0.2, 0.1]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum3'}) spectrum_4 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 150, 200.]), intensities=np.array([0.6, 0.1, 0.6]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum4'}) references = [spectrum_1, spectrum_2] queries = [spectrum_3, spectrum_4] similarity_measure = CosineGreedy() scores = calculate_scores(references, queries, similarity_measure) for (reference, query, score) in scores: print(f"Cosine score between {reference.get('id')} and {query.get('id')}" + f" is {score[0]:.2f} with {score[1]} matched peaks") Should output .. testoutput:: Cosine score between spectrum1 and spectrum4 is 0.80 with 3 matched peaks Cosine score between spectrum2 and spectrum3 is 0.14 with 1 matched peaks Cosine score between spectrum2 and spectrum4 is 0.61 with 1 matched peaks """
[docs] def __init__(self, references: ReferencesType, queries: QueriesType, is_symmetric: bool = False): """ Parameters ---------- references List of reference objects queries List of query objects is_symmetric Set to True when *references* and *queries* are identical (as for instance for an all-vs-all comparison). By using the fact that score[i,j] = score[j,i] the calculation will be about 2x faster. Default is False. """ Scores._validate_input_arguments(references, queries) self.n_rows = len(references) self.n_cols = len(queries) self.references = np.asarray(references) self.queries = np.asarray(queries) self.is_symmetric = is_symmetric self._scores = StackedSparseArray(self.n_rows, self.n_cols) self._index = 0
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Scores): if self.n_rows != other.n_rows or self.n_cols != other.n_cols: return False if not np.array_equal(self.references, other.references): return False if not np.array_equal(self.queries, other.queries): return False if self._scores != other._scores: return False return True return NotImplemented def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._index < len(self._scores.col): i = self._index result = [[name][i] for name in self._scores.score_names] if not isinstance(result, tuple): result = (result,) self._index += 1 return (self.references[self._scores.row[i]], self.queries[self._scores.col[i]]) + result self._index = 0 raise StopIteration def __repr__(self): return self._scores.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self._scores.__str__() @staticmethod def _validate_input_arguments(references, queries): assert isinstance(references, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)),\ "Expected input argument 'references' to be list or tuple or np.ndarray." assert isinstance(queries, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)),\ "Expected input argument 'queries' to be list or tuple or np.ndarray."
[docs] def calculate(self, similarity_function: BaseSimilarity, name: str = None, array_type: str = "numpy", join_type="left") -> Scores: """ Calculate the similarity between all reference objects vs all query objects using the most suitable available implementation of the given similarity_function. If Scores object already contains similarity scores, the newly computed measures will be added to a new layer (name --> layer name). Additional scores will be added as specified with join_type, the default being 'left'. Parameters ---------- similarity_function Function which accepts a reference + query object and returns a score or tuple of scores name Label of the new scores layer. If None, the name of the similarity_function class will be used. array_type Specify the type of array to store and compute the scores. Choose from "numpy" or "sparse". join_type Choose from left, right, outer, inner to specify the merge type. """ def is_sparse_advisable(): return ( (len(self._scores.score_names) > 0) # already scores in Scores and (join_type in ["inner", "left"]) # inner/left join and (len(self._scores.row) < (self.n_rows * self.n_cols)/2) # fewer than half of scores have entries ) if name is None: name = similarity_function.__class__.__name__ if (self.n_rows == 0) or (self.n_cols == 0): raise ValueError("Number of elements must be >= 1") if self.n_rows == self.n_cols == 1: score = similarity_function.pair(self.references[0], self.queries[0]) self._scores.add_dense_matrix(np.array([score]), name) elif is_sparse_advisable(): new_scores = similarity_function.sparse_array(references=self.references, queries=self.queries, idx_row=self._scores.row, idx_col=self._scores.col, is_symmetric=self.is_symmetric) self._scores.add_sparse_data(self._scores.row, self._scores.col, new_scores, name) else: new_scores = similarity_function.matrix(self.references, self.queries, array_type=array_type, is_symmetric=self.is_symmetric) if isinstance(new_scores, np.ndarray): self._scores.add_dense_matrix(new_scores, name, join_type=join_type) elif len(new_scores.score_names) == 1: = [name] self._scores.add_sparse_data(new_scores.row, new_scores.col,, "", join_type=join_type) else: self._scores.add_sparse_data(new_scores.row, new_scores.col,, name, join_type=join_type) return self
[docs] def scores_by_reference(self, reference: ReferencesType, name: str = None, sort: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Return all scores of given name for the given reference spectrum. Parameters ---------- reference Single reference Spectrum. name Name of the score that should be returned (if multiple scores are stored). sort Set to True to obtain the scores in a sorted way (relying on the :meth:`~.BaseSimilarity.sort` function from the given similarity_function). """ if name is None and len(self.score_names) > 1 and sort is True: raise IndexError("For sorting, score must be specified") assert reference in self.references, "Given input not found in references." selected_idx = int(np.where(self.references == reference)[0]) _, r, scores_for_ref = self._scores[selected_idx, :] if sort: if name is None: name = self._scores.guess_score_name() if scores_for_ref.dtype.type == np.void: query_idx_sorted = np.argsort(scores_for_ref[name])[::-1] else: query_idx_sorted = np.argsort(scores_for_ref)[::-1] return list(zip(self.queries[r[query_idx_sorted]], scores_for_ref[query_idx_sorted].copy())) return list(zip(self.queries[r], scores_for_ref.copy()))
[docs] def scores_by_query(self, query: QueriesType, name: str = None, sort: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Return all scores for the given query spectrum. For example .. testcode:: import numpy as np from matchms import calculate_scores, Scores, Spectrum from matchms.similarity import CosineGreedy spectrum_1 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 150, 200.]), intensities=np.array([0.7, 0.2, 0.1]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum1'}) spectrum_2 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 140, 190.]), intensities=np.array([0.4, 0.2, 0.1]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum2'}) spectrum_3 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([110, 140, 195.]), intensities=np.array([0.6, 0.2, 0.1]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum3'}) spectrum_4 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 150, 200.]), intensities=np.array([0.6, 0.1, 0.6]), metadata={'id': 'spectrum4'}) references = [spectrum_1, spectrum_2, spectrum_3] queries = [spectrum_2, spectrum_3, spectrum_4] scores = calculate_scores(references, queries, CosineGreedy()) selected_scores = scores.scores_by_query(spectrum_4, 'CosineGreedy_score', sort=True) print([x[1][0].round(3) for x in selected_scores]) Should output .. testoutput:: [0.796, 0.613] Parameters ---------- query Single query Spectrum. name Name of the score that should be returned (if multiple scores are stored). sort Set to True to obtain the scores in a sorted way (relying on the :meth:`~.BaseSimilarity.sort` function from the given similarity_function). """ if name is None and len(self.score_names) > 1 and sort is True: raise IndexError("For sorting, score must be specified") assert query in self.queries, "Given input not found in queries." selected_idx = int(np.where(self.queries == query)[0]) c, _, scores_for_query = self._scores[:, selected_idx] if sort: if name is None: name = self._scores.guess_score_name() # TODO: add option to use other sorting algorithm if scores_for_query.dtype.type == np.void: references_idx_sorted = np.argsort(scores_for_query[name])[::-1] else: references_idx_sorted = np.argsort(scores_for_query)[::-1] return list(zip(self.references[c[references_idx_sorted]], scores_for_query[references_idx_sorted].copy())) return list(zip(self.references[c], scores_for_query.copy()))
[docs] def to_json(self, filename: str): """Export :py:class:`~matchms.Scores.Scores` to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename Path to file to write to """ with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(self, f, cls=ScoresJSONEncoder)
[docs] def to_pickle(self, filename: str): """Export :py:class:`~matchms.Scores.Scores` to a Pickle file. Parameters ---------- filename Path to file to write to """ with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary representation of scores.""" scores_dict = {"__Scores__": True, "is_symmetric": self.is_symmetric, "references": [reference.to_dict() for reference in self.references], "queries": [query.to_dict() for query in self.queries] if not self.is_symmetric else None} scores_dict.update(self.scores.to_dict()) return scores_dict
@property def shape(self): return self._scores.shape @property def score_names(self): return self._scores.score_names @property def scores(self): return self._scores
[docs] def filter_by_range(self, **kwargs): """Remove all scores for which the score `name` is outside the given range. Parameters ---------- kwargs See "Keyword arguments" section below. Keyword arguments ----------------- name Name of the score which is used for filtering. Run `.score_names` to see all scores stored in the sparse array. low Lower threshold below which all scores will be removed. high Upper threshold above of which all scores will be removed. above_operator Define operator to be used to compare against `low`. Default is '>'. Possible choices are '>', '<', '>=', '<='. below_operator Define operator to be used to compare against `high`. Default is '<'. Possible choices are '>', '<', '>=', '<='. """ self._scores = self._scores.filter_by_range(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_array(self, name=None) -> np.ndarray: """Scores as numpy array For example .. testcode:: import numpy as np from matchms import calculate_scores, Scores, Spectrum from matchms.similarity import IntersectMz spectrum_1 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 150, 200.]), intensities=np.array([0.7, 0.2, 0.1])) spectrum_2 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 140, 190.]), intensities=np.array([0.4, 0.2, 0.1])) spectrums = [spectrum_1, spectrum_2] scores = calculate_scores(spectrums, spectrums, IntersectMz()).to_array() print(scores.shape) print(scores) Should output .. testoutput:: (2, 2) [[1. 0.2] [0.2 1. ]] Parameters ---------- name Name of the score that should be returned (if multiple scores are stored). """ return self._scores.to_array(name)
[docs] def to_coo(self, name=None) -> coo_matrix: """Scores as scipy sparse COO matrix Parameters ---------- name Name of the score that should be returned (if multiple scores are stored). """ return self._scores.to_coo(name)
[docs]class ScoresBuilder: """ Builder class for :class:`~matchms.Scores`. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.references = None self.queries = None self.is_symmetric = None self.scores = None
[docs] def build(self) -> Scores: """ Build scores object """ scores = Scores(references=self.references, queries=self.queries, is_symmetric=self.is_symmetric) scores._scores = self.scores # pylint: disable=protected-access return scores
[docs] def from_json(self, file_path: str): """ Import scores data from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- file_path Path to the scores file. """ with open(file_path, "rb") as f: scores_dict = json.load(f, object_hook=scores_json_decoder) self._validate_json_input(scores_dict) self.is_symmetric = scores_dict["is_symmetric"] self.references = scores_dict["references"] self.queries = scores_dict["queries"] if not self.is_symmetric else self.references self.scores = self._restructure_scores(scores_dict) return self
@staticmethod def _restructure_scores(scores_dict: dict) -> StackedSparseArray: """ Restructure scores from a nested list to a numpy array. If scores were stored as an array of tuples, restores their original form. """ sparsestack = StackedSparseArray(scores_dict.get("n_row"), scores_dict.get("n_col")) sparsestack.row = np.array(scores_dict.get("row")) sparsestack.col = np.array(scores_dict.get("col")) dtype = scores_dict.get("dtype") if len(dtype[0]) > 1: dtype = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in dtype] = unstructured_to_structured(np.array(scores_dict.get("data")), dtype=np.dtype(dtype)) return sparsestack @staticmethod def _construct_similarity_functions(similarity_function_dict: dict) -> BaseSimilarity: """ Construct similarity function from its serialized form. """ similarity_function_class = get_similarity_function_by_name(similarity_function_dict.pop("__Similarity__")) return similarity_function_class(**similarity_function_dict) @staticmethod def _validate_json_input(scores_dict: dict): if {"__Scores__", "is_symmetric", "references", "queries", "row", "col", "data", "dtype", "n_row", "n_col"} != scores_dict.keys(): raise ValueError("Scores JSON file does not match the expected schema.\n\ Make sure the file contains the following keys:\n\ ['__Scores__', 'is_symmetric', 'references', 'queries', 'scores_row',\ 'scores_col', 'scores_data', 'scores_dtype']")
[docs]class ScoresJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, o): """JSON Encoder for a matchms.Scores.Scores object""" class_name = o.__class__.__name__ # do isinstance(o, Scores) without importing matchms.Scores if class_name == "Scores": scores = copy.deepcopy(o) return scores.to_dict() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)