Source code for matchms.Spectrum

from typing import Optional
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matchms.plotting.spectrum_plots import plot_spectra_mirror, plot_spectrum
from .Fragments import Fragments
from .hashing import metadata_hash, spectrum_hash
from .Metadata import Metadata

[docs]class Spectrum: """Container for a collection of peaks, losses and metadata. Spectrum peaks are stored as :class:`~matchms.Fragments` object which can be addressed calling `spectrum.peaks` and contains m/z values and the respective peak intensities. Spectrum metadata is stored as :class:`~matchms.Metadata` object which can be addressed by `spectrum.metadata`. Code example .. testcode:: import numpy as np from matchms import Scores, Spectrum from matchms.similarity import CosineGreedy spectrum = Spectrum(mz=np.array([100, 150, 200.]), intensities=np.array([0.7, 0.2, 0.1]), metadata={"id": 'spectrum1', "precursor_mz": 222.333, "peak_comments": {200.: "the peak at 200 m/z"}}) print(spectrum) print([0]) print(spectrum.peaks.intensities[0]) print(spectrum.get('id')) print(spectrum.peak_comments.get(200)) Should output .. testoutput:: Spectrum(precursor m/z=222.33, 3 fragments between 100.0 and 200.0) 100.0 0.7 spectrum1 the peak at 200 m/z Attributes ---------- peaks: ~matchms.Fragments.Fragments Peaks of spectrum losses: ~matchms.Fragments.Fragments or None Losses of spectrum, the difference between the precursor and all peaks. Can be filled with .. code-block :: from matchms import Fragments spectrum.losess = Fragments(mz=np.array([50.]), intensities=np.array([0.1])) metadata: dict Dict of metadata with for example the scan number of precursor m/z. """ _peak_comments_mz_tolerance = 1e-05
[docs] def __init__(self, mz: np.array, intensities: np.array, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, metadata_harmonization: bool = True): """ Parameters ---------- mz Array of m/z for the peaks intensities Array of intensities for the peaks metadata Dictionary with for example the scan number of precursor m/z. metadata_harmonization : bool, optional Set to False if default metadata filters should not be applied. The default is True. """ self._metadata = Metadata(metadata) if metadata_harmonization is True: self._metadata.harmonize_values() self.peaks = Fragments(mz=mz, intensities=intensities) self.losses = None
def __eq__(self, other): return \ self.peaks == other.peaks and \ self.losses == other.losses and \ self._metadata == other._metadata def __hash__(self): """Return a integer hash which is computed from both metadata (see .metadata_hash() method) and spectrum peaks (see .spectrum_hash() method).""" combined_hash = self.metadata_hash() + self.spectrum_hash() return int.from_bytes(bytearray(combined_hash, 'utf-8'), 'big') def __repr__(self): precursor_mz_str = f"{self.get('precursor_mz', 0.0):.2f}" num_peaks = len(self.peaks) if num_peaks == 0: return f"Spectrum(precursor m/z={precursor_mz_str}, no fragments)" min_mz = min( max_mz = max( return f"Spectrum(precursor m/z={precursor_mz_str}, {num_peaks} fragments between {min_mz:.1f} and {max_mz:.1f})" def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def spectrum_hash(self): """Return a (truncated) sha256-based hash which is generated based on the spectrum peaks (mz:intensity pairs). Spectra with same peaks will results in same spectrum_hash.""" return spectrum_hash(self.peaks)
[docs] def metadata_hash(self): """Return a (truncated) sha256-based hash which is generated based on the spectrum metadata. Spectra with same metadata results in same metadata_hash.""" return metadata_hash(
[docs] def clone(self): """Return a deepcopy of the spectrum instance.""" clone = Spectrum(, intensities=self.peaks.intensities,, metadata_harmonization=False) clone.losses = self.losses return clone
[docs] def plot(self, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=200, **kwargs): """Plot to visually inspect a spectrum run ``spectrum.plot()`` .. figure:: ../_static/spectrum-plot-example.png :width: 450 :alt: spectrum plotting function Example of a spectrum plotted using ``spectrum.plot()`` .. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax = plot_spectrum(self, ax=ax, **kwargs) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_against(self, other_spectrum, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=200, **spectrum_kws): """Compare two spectra visually in a mirror plot. To visually compare the peaks of two spectra run ``spectrum.plot_against(other_spectrum)`` .. figure:: ../_static/spectrum-mirror-plot-example.png :width: 450 :alt: spectrum mirror plot function Example of a mirror plot comparing two spectra ``spectrum.plot_against()`` .. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax = plot_spectra_mirror(self, other_spectrum, ax=ax, **spectrum_kws) return fig, ax
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default=None): """Retrieve value from :attr:`metadata` dict. Shorthand for .. code-block:: python val = self.metadata[key] """ return self._metadata.get(key, default)
[docs] def set(self, key: str, value): """Set value in :attr:`metadata` dict. Shorthand for .. code-block:: python self.metadata[key] = val """ self._metadata.set(key, value) return self
[docs] def to_dict(self, export_style: str = "matchms") -> dict: """Return a dictionary representation of a spectrum. Parameters ---------- export_style: Converts the keys to the required export style. One of ["matchms", "massbank", "nist", "riken", "gnps"]. Default is "matchms" """ peaks_list = np.vstack((, self.peaks.intensities)).T.tolist() spectrum_dict = self.metadata_dict(export_style) # dict(self.metadata.items()) spectrum_dict["peaks_json"] = peaks_list if "fingerprint" in spectrum_dict: spectrum_dict["fingerprint"] = spectrum_dict["fingerprint"].tolist() return spectrum_dict
[docs] def metadata_dict(self, export_style: str = "matchms") -> dict: """Convert spectrum metadata to Python dictionary. Parameters ---------- export_style: Converts the keys to the required export style. One of ["matchms", "massbank", "nist", "riken", "gnps"]. Default is "matchms" """ return self._metadata.to_dict(export_style)
@property def mz(self): return @property def intensities(self): return self.peaks.intensities @property def metadata(self): return @metadata.setter def metadata(self, value): = value @property def losses(self) -> Optional[Fragments]: return self._losses.clone() if self._losses is not None else None @losses.setter def losses(self, value: Fragments): self._losses = value @property def peaks(self) -> Fragments: return self._peaks.clone() @peaks.setter def peaks(self, value: Fragments): if isinstance(self.get("peak_comments"), dict): self._reiterate_peak_comments(value) self._peaks = value @property def peak_comments(self): return self.get("peak_comments") @peak_comments.setter def peak_comments(self, value): self.set("peak_comments", value)
[docs] @classmethod def update_peak_comments_mz_tolerance(cls, mz_tolerance: float): """Change current peak comment m/z tolerance to mz_tolerance.""" cls._peak_comments_mz_tolerance = mz_tolerance
def _reiterate_peak_comments(self, peaks: Fragments): """Update the peak comments to reflect the new peaks.""" if not isinstance(self.get("peak_comments", None), dict): return None self._metadata["peak_comments"] = { float(key) if isinstance(key, str) else key: value for key, value in self.metadata["peak_comments"].items() } mz_tolerance = self._peak_comments_mz_tolerance def _append_new_comment(key): if new_key_comment is not None: comment = "; ".join([new_key_comment, self.metadata["peak_comments"].get(key)]) else: comment = self.metadata["peak_comments"].get(key) return comment for key in list(self.metadata["peak_comments"].keys()): if key not in if np.isclose(key,, rtol=mz_tolerance).any(): new_key =[np.isclose(key,, rtol=mz_tolerance).argmax()] new_key_comment = self.metadata["peak_comments"].get(new_key, None) new_key_comment = _append_new_comment(key) self._metadata["peak_comments"][new_key] = new_key_comment self._metadata["peak_comments"].pop(key)