Source code for matchms.filtering.metadata_processing.derive_annotation_from_compound_name

import csv
import json
import logging
import os
import time
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List, Optional
from urllib.error import URLError
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pubchempy
from matchms import Spectrum
from matchms.filtering.filter_utils.smile_inchi_inchikey_conversions import (
    is_valid_inchi, is_valid_inchikey, is_valid_smiles)

logger = logging.getLogger("matchms")

[docs]def derive_annotation_from_compound_name(spectrum_in: Spectrum, annotated_compound_names_file: Optional[str] = None, mass_tolerance: float = 0.1): """Adds smiles, inchi, inchikey based on compound name by searching pubchem This filter is only run, if there is not yet a valid smiles or inchi in the metadata. The smiles, inchi and inchikey are only added if the found annotation is close enough to the parent mass. Parameters ---------- spectrum_in: The input spectrum. annotated_compound_names_file: Optional[str] Any compound name that was searched for on pubchem will be added to this file. If a compound name is already in this file it will be used instead of looking up at pubchem. This file can be reused for future runs, speeding up the process. If None. The compound names found will still be cached for this run, but won't be reusable for future runs. The csv file should contain the columns ["compound_name", "smiles", "inchi", "inchikey", "monoisotopic_mass"] mass_tolerance: Acceptable mass difference between query compound and pubchem result. """ if spectrum_in is None: return None spectrum = spectrum_in.clone() # Only run this function if it does not yet have a useful annotation if is_valid_inchi(spectrum.get("inchi")) or is_valid_smiles(spectrum.get("smiles")): return spectrum compound_name = spectrum.get("compound_name") parent_mass = spectrum.get('parent_mass') if _is_plausible_name(compound_name) and parent_mass is not None: compound_name_annotations = _get_pubchem_compound_name_annotation(compound_name, annotated_compound_names_file) if len(compound_name_annotations) > 0: compound_name_annotation_df = pd.DataFrame(compound_name_annotations) mass_differences = np.abs(compound_name_annotation_df["monoisotopic_mass"] - parent_mass) within_mass_tolerance = compound_name_annotation_df[mass_differences < mass_tolerance] if within_mass_tolerance.shape[0] > 0: # Select the match with the smallest mass difference best_match = compound_name_annotation_df.loc[mass_differences.idxmin()] if is_valid_smiles(best_match["smiles"]): spectrum.set("smiles", best_match["smiles"])"Added smiles %s based on the compound name %s", best_match["smiles"], compound_name) if is_valid_inchi(best_match["inchi"]): spectrum.set("inchi", best_match["inchi"])"Added inchi %s based on the compound name %s", best_match["inchi"], compound_name) if is_valid_inchikey(best_match["inchikey"]): spectrum.set("inchikey", best_match["inchikey"])"Added inchikey %s based on the compound name %s", best_match["inchikey"], compound_name) return spectrum"Could not find a matching annotation on PubChem for the compound name: %s, compound_name") return spectrum
@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _get_pubchem_compound_name_annotation(compound_name, csv_file=None) -> List[dict]: """Loads compound name annotation from file or gets it from pubchem any new annotation is added to the file functools.cache, makes sure that previously loaded or calculated compound names do not have to be reloaded. This reduces the number of time the csv file has to be loaded from memory. """ if csv_file is None: return _pubchem_name_search(compound_name) # Search in previously annotated compound names annotated_compound_names = _load_compound_name_annotations(csv_file, compound_name) if not annotated_compound_names: annotated_compound_names = _pubchem_name_search(compound_name) if not annotated_compound_names: _write_compound_name_annotations(csv_file, [{"compound_name": compound_name, "smiles": None, "inchi": None, "inchikey": None, "monoisotopic_mass": None}]) _write_compound_name_annotations(csv_file, annotated_compound_names) return annotated_compound_names def _pubchem_name_search(compound_name: str, name_search_depth=10, max_retries=15) -> List[dict]: """Search pubmed for compound name""" retries = 0 max_delay = 3600 while retries < max_retries: try: results_pubchem = pubchempy.get_compounds(compound_name, 'name', listkey_count=name_search_depth) if len(results_pubchem) == 0 and "_" in compound_name: results_pubchem = pubchempy.get_compounds(compound_name.replace("_", " "), 'name', listkey_count=name_search_depth) extracted_results = [] # extract the needed information: for result in results_pubchem: smiles_pubchem = result.isomeric_smiles if smiles_pubchem is None: smiles_pubchem = result.canonical_smiles extracted_results.append({"compound_name": compound_name, "smiles": smiles_pubchem, "inchi": result.inchi, "inchikey": result.inchikey, "monoisotopic_mass": float(result.monoisotopic_mass), }) return extracted_results except (pubchempy.ServerError, ConnectionError, ConnectionAbortedError, pubchempy.PubChemHTTPError, URLError): # keep retrying when an connection error occurs delay = 2 ** retries delay = min(max_delay, delay) print(f"Connection error, trying again, after waiting for {delay} seconds") time.sleep(delay) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logger.warning("Compound name: %s resulted in broken json from pubchem", compound_name) return [] logger.error("Compound name: %s could not be loaded due to a connection error after %s tries ", compound_name, str(max_retries)) return [] def _load_compound_name_annotations(annotated_compound_names_csv, compound_name: str): """Loads in the annotated compound names and checks format""" if not os.path.exists(annotated_compound_names_csv): return [] annotated_compound_names = pd.read_csv(annotated_compound_names_csv) assert list(annotated_compound_names.columns) == ["compound_name", "smiles", "inchi", "inchikey", "monoisotopic_mass"], \ "The annotated_compound_names_csv file does not have the columns " \ "compound_name, smiles, inchi, inchikey, monoisotopic_mass" matches = annotated_compound_names[annotated_compound_names["compound_name"] == compound_name] return matches.to_dict("records") def _write_compound_name_annotations(annotated_compound_names_csv, compound_name_annotations: List[dict]): if not os.path.exists(annotated_compound_names_csv): with open(annotated_compound_names_csv, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("compound_name,smiles,inchi,inchikey,monoisotopic_mass\n") with open(annotated_compound_names_csv, "a", encoding="utf-8") as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) for compound_name_annotation in compound_name_annotations: writer.writerow([compound_name_annotation["compound_name"], compound_name_annotation["smiles"], compound_name_annotation["inchi"], compound_name_annotation["inchikey"], compound_name_annotation["monoisotopic_mass"],]) def _is_plausible_name(compound_name): """Simple check if it can be a compound name.""" return isinstance(compound_name, str) and len(compound_name) > 4