Source code for matchms.similarity.MetadataMatch

import logging
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from sparsestack import StackedSparseArray
from matchms.similarity.spectrum_similarity_functions import (
    number_matching, number_matching_symmetric)
from matchms.typing import SpectrumType
from .BaseSimilarity import BaseSimilarity

logger = logging.getLogger("matchms")

[docs]class MetadataMatch(BaseSimilarity): """Return True if metadata entries of a specified field match between two spectra. This is supposed to be used to compare a wide range of possible metadata entries and use this to later select related or similar spectra. Example to calculate scores between 2 pairs of spectrums and iterate over the scores .. testcode:: import numpy as np from matchms import calculate_scores from matchms import Spectrum from matchms.similarity import MetadataMatch spectrum_1 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([]), intensities=np.array([]), metadata={"instrument_type": "orbitrap", "id": 1}) spectrum_2 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([]), intensities=np.array([]), metadata={"instrument_type": "qtof", "id": 2}) spectrum_3 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([]), intensities=np.array([]), metadata={"instrument_type": "qtof", "id": 3}) spectrum_4 = Spectrum(mz=np.array([]), intensities=np.array([]), metadata={"instrument_type": "orbitrap", "id": 4}) references = [spectrum_1, spectrum_2] queries = [spectrum_3, spectrum_4] similarity_score = MetadataMatch(field="instrument_type") scores = calculate_scores(references, queries, similarity_score) for (reference, query, score) in scores: print(f"Metadata match between {reference.get('id')} and {query.get('id')}" + f" is {score}") Should output .. testoutput:: Metadata match between 1 and 4 is [True] Metadata match between 2 and 3 is [True] """ # Set key characteristics as class attributes is_commutative = True score_datatype = bool
[docs] def __init__(self, field: str, matching_type: str = "equal_match", tolerance: float = 0.1): """ Parameters ---------- field Specify field name for metadata that should be compared. matching_type Specify how field entries should be matched. Can be one of ["equal_match", "difference"]. tolerance Specify tolerance below which two values are counted as match. This only applied to numerical values. """ self.field = field self.tolerance = tolerance assert matching_type in ["equal_match", "difference"], \ "Expected type from ['equal_match', 'difference']" self.matching_type = matching_type
[docs] def pair(self, reference: SpectrumType, query: SpectrumType) -> float: """Compare precursor m/z between reference and query spectrum. Parameters ---------- reference Single reference spectrum. query Single query spectrum. """ entry_ref = reference.get(self.field) entry_query = query.get(self.field) if entry_ref is None or entry_query is None: return np.asarray(False, dtype=self.score_datatype) if self.matching_type == "equal_match": score = (entry_ref == entry_query) return np.asarray(score, dtype=self.score_datatype) if isinstance(entry_ref, (int, float)) and isinstance(entry_query, (int, float)): score = abs(entry_ref - entry_query) <= self.tolerance return np.asarray(score, dtype=self.score_datatype) logger.warning("Non-numerical entry not compatible with 'difference' method") return np.asarray(False, dtype=self.score_datatype)
[docs] def matrix(self, references: List[SpectrumType], queries: List[SpectrumType], array_type: str = "numpy", is_symmetric: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Compare parent masses between all references and queries. Parameters ---------- references List/array of reference spectrums. queries List/array of Single query spectrums. array_type Specify the output array type. Can be "numpy" or "sparse". Default is "numpy" and will return a numpy array. "sparse" will return a COO-sparse array. is_symmetric Set to True when *references* and *queries* are identical (as for instance for an all-vs-all comparison). By using the fact that score[i,j] = score[j,i] the calculation will be about 2x faster. """ def collect_entries(spectrums): """Collect metadata entries.""" entries = [] for spectrum in spectrums: entry = spectrum.get(self.field) if entry is None: msg = f"No {self.field} entry found for spectrum." logger.warning(msg) entry = np.nan elif self.matching_type == "difference" and not isinstance(entry, (int, float)): msg = f"Non-numerical entry ({entry}) not compatible with 'difference' method." logger.warning(msg) entry = np.nan entries.append(entry) return np.asarray(entries) entries_ref = collect_entries(references) entries_query = collect_entries(queries) if self.matching_type == "equal_match": scores = np.zeros((len(entries_ref), len(entries_query))) for i, entry in enumerate(entries_query): idx = np.where(entries_ref == entry) scores[idx, i] = 1 return scores.astype(self.score_datatype) if is_symmetric: rows, cols, scores = number_matching_symmetric(entries_ref, self.tolerance) else: rows, cols, scores = number_matching(entries_ref, entries_query, self.tolerance) if array_type == "numpy": scores_array = np.zeros((len(entries_ref), len(entries_query))) scores_array[rows, cols] = scores.astype(self.score_datatype) return scores_array if array_type == "sparse": scores_array = StackedSparseArray(len(entries_ref), len(entries_query)) scores_array.add_sparse_data(rows, cols, scores.astype(self.score_datatype), "") return scores_array raise ValueError("")