Source code for matchms.similarity.spectrum_similarity_functions

from typing import List, Tuple
import numba
import numpy as np

[docs]@numba.njit def collect_peak_pairs(spec1: np.ndarray, spec2: np.ndarray, tolerance: float, shift: float = 0, mz_power: float = 0.0, intensity_power: float = 1.0): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Find matching pairs between two spectra. Args ---- spec1: Spectrum peaks and intensities as numpy array. spec2: Spectrum peaks and intensities as numpy array. tolerance Peaks will be considered a match when <= tolerance appart. shift Shift spectra peaks by shift. The default is 0. mz_power: The power to raise mz to in the cosine function. The default is 0, in which case the peak intensity products will not depend on the m/z ratios. intensity_power: The power to raise intensity to in the cosine function. The default is 1. Returns ------- matching_pairs : numpy array Array of found matching peaks. """ matches = find_matches(spec1[:, 0], spec2[:, 0], tolerance, shift) idx1 = [x[0] for x in matches] idx2 = [x[1] for x in matches] if len(idx1) == 0: return None matching_pairs = [] for i, idx in enumerate(idx1): power_prod_spec1 = (spec1[idx, 0] ** mz_power) * (spec1[idx, 1] ** intensity_power) power_prod_spec2 = (spec2[idx2[i], 0] ** mz_power) * (spec2[idx2[i], 1] ** intensity_power) matching_pairs.append([idx, idx2[i], power_prod_spec1 * power_prod_spec2]) return np.array(matching_pairs.copy())
[docs]@numba.njit def find_matches(spec1_mz: np.ndarray, spec2_mz: np.ndarray, tolerance: float, shift: float = 0) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """Faster search for matching peaks. Makes use of the fact that spec1 and spec2 contain ordered peak m/z (from low to high m/z). Parameters ---------- spec1_mz: Spectrum peak m/z values as numpy array. Peak mz values must be ordered. spec2_mz: Spectrum peak m/z values as numpy array. Peak mz values must be ordered. tolerance Peaks will be considered a match when <= tolerance appart. shift Shift peaks of second spectra by shift. The default is 0. Returns ------- matches List containing entries of type (idx1, idx2). """ lowest_idx = 0 matches = [] for peak1_idx in range(spec1_mz.shape[0]): mz = spec1_mz[peak1_idx] low_bound = mz - tolerance high_bound = mz + tolerance for peak2_idx in range(lowest_idx, spec2_mz.shape[0]): mz2 = spec2_mz[peak2_idx] + shift if mz2 > high_bound: break if mz2 < low_bound: lowest_idx = peak2_idx else: matches.append((peak1_idx, peak2_idx)) return matches
[docs]@numba.njit(fastmath=True) def score_best_matches(matching_pairs: np.ndarray, spec1: np.ndarray, spec2: np.ndarray, mz_power: float = 0.0, intensity_power: float = 1.0) -> Tuple[float, int]: """Calculate cosine-like score by multiplying matches. Does require a sorted list of matching peaks (sorted by intensity product).""" score = float(0.0) used_matches = int(0) used1 = set() used2 = set() for i in range(matching_pairs.shape[0]): if not matching_pairs[i, 0] in used1 and not matching_pairs[i, 1] in used2: score += matching_pairs[i, 2] used1.add(matching_pairs[i, 0]) # Every peak can only be paired once used2.add(matching_pairs[i, 1]) # Every peak can only be paired once used_matches += 1 # Normalize score: spec1_power = spec1[:, 0] ** mz_power * spec1[:, 1] ** intensity_power spec2_power = spec2[:, 0] ** mz_power * spec2[:, 1] ** intensity_power score = score/(np.sum(spec1_power ** 2) ** 0.5 * np.sum(spec2_power ** 2) ** 0.5) return score, used_matches
[docs]@numba.njit def number_matching(numbers_1, numbers_2, tolerance): """Find all pairs between numbers_1 and numbers_2 which are within tolerance. """ rows = [] cols = [] data = [] for i, number_1 in enumerate(numbers_1): for j, number_2 in enumerate(numbers_2): value = (abs(number_1 - number_2) <= tolerance) if value: data.append(value) rows.append(i) cols.append(j) return np.array(rows), np.array(cols), np.array(data)
[docs]@numba.njit def number_matching_symmetric(numbers_1, tolerance): """Find all pairs between numbers_1 and numbers_1 which are within tolerance. """ rows = [] cols = [] data = [] for i, number_1 in enumerate(numbers_1): for j in range(i, len(numbers_1)): value = (abs(number_1 - numbers_1[j]) <= tolerance) if value: data.append(value) rows.append(i) cols.append(j) if i != j: data.append(value) rows.append(j) cols.append(i) return np.array(rows), np.array(cols), np.array(data)
[docs]@numba.njit def number_matching_ppm(numbers_1, numbers_2, tolerance_ppm): """Find all pairs between numbers_1 and numbers_2 which are within tolerance. """ rows = [] cols = [] data = [] for i, number_1 in enumerate(numbers_1): for j, number_2 in enumerate(numbers_2): mean_value = (number_1 + number_2)/2 value = (abs(number_1 - number_2)/mean_value * 1e6 <= tolerance_ppm) if value: data.append(value) rows.append(i) cols.append(j) return np.array(rows), np.array(cols), np.array(data)
[docs]@numba.njit def number_matching_symmetric_ppm(numbers_1, tolerance_ppm): """Find all pairs between numbers_1 and numbers_1 which are within tolerance. """ rows = [] cols = [] data = [] for i, number_1 in enumerate(numbers_1): for j in range(i, len(numbers_1)): mean_value = (number_1 + numbers_1[j])/2 value = (abs(number_1 - numbers_1[j])/mean_value * 1e6 <= tolerance_ppm) if value: data.append(value) rows.append(i) cols.append(j) if i != j: data.append(value) rows.append(j) cols.append(i) return np.array(rows), np.array(cols), np.array(data)